What can I do to take care of the planet?

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On a planet where concern for the environment is on the rise, it is crucial that each of us ask ourselves: What can I do to take care of the planet?


While large-scale solutions are important, it is often the day-to-day actions that make the difference. 

Discover how your daily choices can have a positive impact on the future of our planet.


Responsible consumption

Responsible consumption means being informed and reflecting before, during and after a purchase, assuming the consequences of this action on your health, the economy and the environment. This is accompanied by always looking for environmentally friendly options, making the most of products and services and avoiding waste. 


Empties, Crushes, Closes and Deposits

After your consumption, there is still more to do. 

Make sure that the pet containers of the products you consume have a correct deposit so that they can be recycled. That is why the 4 steps are vital for water bottles or any other liquid to have an infinite recycling cycle. 


Separate garbage 

It is important to separate waste into different bins: organic, glass, cardboard, plastics and toxic waste. All this so that each material returns to the best possible place and take advantage of the resources.


Plant trees

Trees are essential for the world, they produce oxygen, reduce carbon dioxide, absorb polluting gases, regulate temperature, among other benefits. So now you know, plant a tree, join reforestation campaigns or simply take care of the nature that surrounds you. 


Saves water 

Water is an essential and scarce resource that we must use responsibly. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, bathe in the shortest time possible, collect the water from the shower while bathing, recycle loads of water from the washing machine for some other use. 

In our hands we have the power to protect and preserve our home, the planet.

May every action we take reflect our commitment and love for the Earth, because together, with small gestures, we can sow a more sustainable future.


PetStar and its shareholders led by Arca Continental, Coca-Cola Mexico, Bepensa Bebidas, Corporación del Fuerte, Grupo RICA, Grupo Embotellador Nayar and Embotelladora de Colima contribute every day to combat major environmental challenges such as climate change and pollution, however, for great results we need an ally like you. 

Join us! because together we are +valoR

#recycling #AWorldWithoutWaste #pet #plastics #Environment #ClimateChange #planet #PetStar